How to read much and enrich your brain,from where I start first

Reading is most important part of our life. Around 1/4 part of the life of all the people of world passed out in reading or learning.
Am I right ? some think it is hard to read. Read means understand something deeply by all the points of views that are Let's Explore..
  • At very first all the people are confused that from where we start to read. For that it is recommended that take your school life books or take books from library or you may read articles of Arightguide Etc..
Reading,book,man,girl,table,bored,shockismis, brain,learn,English,children, baby,bible,

  • Try to make reading habitual for child's  so they start love to read the books, as you see in image, laugh !.. At childish days it is easy to learn much in comparison to other ages. 
  • After that Your try to grab out all the book together and then took them.
  • Search the place that is suitable for You. According to me, You should choose the secret place that no one knows or No one came to disturb You.
  • Fix your reading schedule and try to read more and more.
  • Use to play music some times so and try to dreaming what you read by closing your eyes that help you to much.
  • Recall and Reread the whole material again and again and summaries the material in points.
  • The biggest benefit of reading is, it enrich the brain and make our vocabulary strong.
  • What ever you read after the day try to write the main points in your dairy just in single sentence.
  • It will Improve your reading,writing or thinking skills.
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